Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Back from vacation!

Which we spent at the zoo.
I finished the project for mye secret pal. And I finished one half and got started on the second half of the Hanne Falkenberg Ludo sweater for my son. Since I´ve been to lazy to measure the gauge earlier, I finally found the time now because the arm is quite wide. But my knitting is right on gauge, to the millimeter! In all directions! Amazing... normally I knit a bit loose!

The Palette scarf from knitty.com is getting a little rest, it´s a project I have to do while at home and when my son is not around because the yarn is so fragile. So it´s taking a looong time. Also, I´messing up the PSP (SSK on the back) a little bit, so I´m a bit pissed of with it really! The picture is of the scarf which is now about 20cm longer.


Anonymous said...

nydelige farger på garnet, gleder meg til å se det ferdige resultatet

amylin said...

Så deilige farger på det skjerfet.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!