Monday, March 19, 2007

Chevron Socks

I struggled with the Jaywalker socks from Grumperina! I frogged the socks for my sister twice because I couldn´t get the gauge right and the way-too-teeny Jaywalkers for my son are still in the basket. So I gave up, even though the Jaywalkers are very cute and not very hard to knit.

I ended up making these socks for my sister instead!
They are chevron socks from the book Sensational Socks. It´s a wonderful pattern and wonderful yarn made this a very positive experience! It was my first time with a socalled forethought heel, probably an experience I don´t want to repeat as I found it fiddly - I´ll do an afterthought heel the next time.

The sock are knitted in Regia Silk, color Marocco. A lovely, light and silky yarn that I will definitely want to try again.


Hege said...

Kjempefine sokker og garnet høres bare helt nydelig ut!

amylin said...

Flotte sokker i flott garn. De ser vanskeligere ut enn Jaywalkers. :dulte:

Anonymous said...

Stikker innom for å ønske deg en fin dag....
Mon tro om du har fått flere pakker fra hemmelige venner??? :)

Margrethe said...

Fargene var kjempeflotte! Skikkelig gladsokker :)

Anonymous said...

Disse var skikkelig lekre! Flott farge!
Ønsker deg en fin søndag!